· 1kg of corn jora
· 8 liters of wáter
· Crushed caneo r Brown sugar at your will
· 1kg of barley
· ½ teaspoon of cloves

Step 2: Sweeten with sugar and allow to cool. Sieve and store in glass containers or bottles for a couple of days for fermentation.
The corn jora cider was born casually. According to a legend, during the reign of Tupac Yupanqui, the rains deteriorated the stored maize. As result, the maize grains fermented and gave rise to the maize malt. The Inca, in order to avoid throwing the maize, ordered the distribution of malt in the form of “mote” (cooked corn in water), but, given the organoleptic characteristics of the unknown maize, completed discarding. Here is when is discovered: a hungry person, scavenging in the garbage, consumed the substance and he got drunk. It was then that the alcoholic strength value of maize was discovered in ancient Peru.
It has two phases:
It has two phases:
Inoculation: Place the liquid in jars that contain a large amount of increasing yeast (called “cántaros borrachos”).
Fermentation is also performed by placing sugar or “chancaca”, as these sweeteners made by yeast.
Fermentation: Takes about 3 days but after 48 hours you can feel the bittersweet flavour and after 96 hours, the corn jora cider acquires the characteristic flavor of "chicha fuerte." It is advisable to stir the cider during the whole process.
Organoleptic characteristics:
Color: Varied, depends on the raw material used in its preparation. At the start of fermentation it is dark brown, but as time passes it becomes yellowish white or light brown.
Aroma: It has characteristics of volatile products. It´s aroma is pleasant and generally does not vary with time.
Taste: sweet and sour. It is strongly influenced during fermentation, which starts with sweet corn, passes to bittersweet and the turns slightly sweet, sour and acid.
Clarity: The chicha is cloudy.
Sediment: Sediment glaring when fermentation is finished.
Components of corn jora cider:
Cider contains water, proteins, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and ash.
The “Chicha de Jora”, became the bridge of communication between the three worlds that form the life of the Andes.
Currently, the chicha still maintains ceremonial status because in the mountains exist allegorical representations and parties when the main beberage is the corn jora cider, also is drink in ceremonial glasses.
It is also used for payments to land (“PACHAMAMA”) and othermystic-religious activities of the Andean world.
· Chicha arequipeña
· Chicha blanca
· Chicha de cacao
· Chicha de jora
· Clarito
· Frutillada
· Chicha de jora con pata de vaca
· Chicha de maní
· Chicha de quinua
· Chicha huarmeyana
· Chicha loretana.
· Chicha morada
Chemical Process:
It´s flavour comes from the fermentation, which activates a process called "malolactic" where a bacteria is produced and this ones are useful for treating diseases and also have a highnutritional value.
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